Greater China

airbnb Launch Campaign


Night Out
airbnb x 彭于晏

Eddie’s Got You "够彭友"之旅


airbnb provides a platform for hosts to accommodate guests with short-term lodging and tourism-related activities.

With the vision to be the worldwide accommodation leader, airbnb entered the China market with Eddie Peng as their brand ambassador for Greater China.

Tasked with airbnb's first ever branding campaign in Greater China featuring Eddie Peng was both challenging and exciting.

How to:
Increase airbnb’s brand awareness and introduce this new accommodation concept to Chinese consumers effectively?

An online to offline campaign was developed, in which Eddie Peng plays the role of a host, whilst the target consumers are his guests. Guiding them through the airbnb process and experience by means of a digital campaign with online activation to an offline event.

Campaign theme


Playing on the last name of airbnb’s brand ambassador Eddie Peng, “Peng You” in Chinese means friend, and “Gou Peng You” literally translates to “Friend Enough” to portray that airbnb hosts are not just your hosts, but your friends too.

Online campaign

Online campaign


WeChat campaign

Collateral for winners

Collateral for winners


Interior Design and styling of “Eddie’s Hideout”

2-day event featuring Eddie Peng welcoming 4 winners into his “hideout” and taking them around his hood

2-day event featuring Eddie Peng welcoming 4 winners into his “hideout” and taking them around his hood


Shanghai Auto Museum